Therapy Kitchen's 15 Day Spring Cleanse

In a world of quick fixes and symptomatic treatment Minal believes that there is no magic pill and that food is the real medicine that humans have had available from time immemorial. It is her understanding that most diseases begin in the gut and the imbalances and nutrient deficiencies are at the root cause of all modern day diseases and conditions. Minal uses a whole foods nutrient dense diet as the foundation of her practice, educating and empowering her clients with knowledge of using herbs and spices, techniques to properly prepare traditional foods, focusing on Quality versus Quantity. If you have been living with pain and chronic symptoms like poor digestion, inflammation, food allergies and environmental sensitivities, auto immune conditions, or brain fog, low energy, fatigue and general lack of vitality ask Minal to assess you and recommend a dietary and lifestyle plan customized for you.
Minal’s journey began in December of year 2012 when her husband’s job brought the family from India to Portland. Having barely unpacked their bags, Minal was faced with a challenging diagnosis of cancer and thus began her quest for understanding natural medicine, nutrition and alternative health care modalities. She attributes her survival as much to her diet as she does to conventional medicine. At the very least the diet made her tolerate the harsh treatment much better. Motivated by her own experience and all the research surrounding nutrition and cancer she volunteered at local Cancer Survivorship events and periodically holds food demonstrations and talks at the Cancer department of the Veterans Association Hospital in Portland. Besides helping with cancer clients, Minal pursues to understand the correlation between poor nutrition and the rise of mental illness in the world around her. She strives to make families learn how to use nutrition to alleviate signs of depression, anxiety, hormonal imbalances and to make nutrition the all important first step on their path to recovery.
15 Day Metabolic Cleanse
Feeling worn down? Brain Fog and Fatigue keeping you from giving your 100% to your work and family? Holiday indulgences weighing you down & the health meters sending warning signs out? Fed up of being sick and tired?
Join me in a whole body nutrient dense cleanse to get ready for the year ahead.
NutriClear by Biotics Research Corporation is a 15 day Metabolic Cleanse that helps detox your body of the waste accumulated over the cold winter months in a Safe, Easy to Follow, Convenient and Delicious package of Protein shake and detoxification nutritional supplements . A scientifically researched cleanse formula, NutriClear is targeted for digestive, antioxidant and liver support.
Support digestive function
Revitalize your health
Energize your body
Regain your mental clarity
Balance your hormones
Release accumulated toxic overload
Minal Rajan is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner who received her certification from the Nutritional Therapy Association in Olympia, WA. She looks forward to meeting you and helping you achieve your health goals.
" Spring Clean Your Body!" -- Click here Register here for an Early Bird Discount